The Ivel Protection Association

Constitution and Rules Updated 9.4.2015

1) The Association shall be known as "The Ivel Protection Association".

2) The objects of the Association shall be to preserve the amenities of the River Ivel and to protect and improve it's fisheries.

3) The management of the Association shall be carried out by a Management Committee consisting of a President, Vice Presidents, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, Assistant Secretary , Minute Secretary, Match Secretary, Assistant Match Secretary, Fisheries Officer and Assistant Fisheries Officer who will be elected at the Annual General Meeting, and two delegates from each of the member clubs.

4) The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the second Thursday in April with notification of time, venue and agenda to be sent to affiliated clubs 28 days prior. Management Committee Meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of June, September, November, January and March with additional meetings arranged as necessary.

5) Only officers and delegates may vote at Annual General and Management Committee meetings with the meeting's Chairman having a casting vote if necessary.

6) Audited Accounts of the Association shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting and a report on the current situation of the accounts at each Management Meeting. The auditor will be appointed by the Management Committee at the first meeting following the AGM.

7) A Special General Meeting may be called by the management Committee or by the requisition of any of the member clubs at reasonable notice, through the Association's Secretary, who will notify all member clubs of the venue, time and business to be dealt with.

8) The Constitution and Rules may only be altered at the Annual General Meeting. The Association's Secretary must be given two months notice prior to the Annual General Meeting of a proposed alteration and will in turn give each affiliated club one months notice.

9) All moneys, securities, deeds, etc. of the Association shall be normally kept with the Association's bankers/solicitors, who shall be decided by the Management Committee. All cheques shall be signed by any two of three nominees appointed by the Management Committee.

10) The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint a representative, to take legal action on behalf of the Association. Any representative appointed shall be deemed to be indemnified against all personal liability in respect of such action.

11) The Trustees of the Association shall be three in number made up as follows. One each as nominated by Biggleswade/ Hitchin DAA and Letchworth DAA Clubs, plus one to be elected at an Annual General Meeting. Providing that a Trustee remains a member of his nominating club(or an I.P.A. member club in the case of the one elected) he shall remain a Trustee for life unless removed at the Annual General Meeting for gross misconduct within the Association's rules, or by resignation. All of the Association's leases and property shall be vested in the Trustees who shall have the power to inspect and audit the accounts as and when they wish. The Trustees may at the same time hold any other office in the Association other than that of Secretary/Treasurer.

12) Applications for membership from local clubs and clubs holding fishing rights on the River Ivel will be considered by the Management Committee and together with it's recommendations will be decided at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Any club being accepted will pay an entry fee as decided by the Annual General Meeting, plus a per capita subscription as per rule 13.

13) Annual Subscriptions from affiliated clubs shall be set at the Annual General Meeting, per adult member, based on the audited accounts of the club's previous year's membership. Subscriptions shall be due on the 31st May each year.

14) Member clubs not attending a minimum of 50% of the year's convened delegate meetings shall be deemed to have relinquished membership. Re-application for membership in the following year may be accepted at the discretion of the Management Committee, and upon payment of the current entrance fee.

15) Owners of the Association's fisheries and occupiers of the land are(de facto) Honorary members of the Association with full privileges.

16) All fully paid up members of member clubs, who will appear in the audited accounts of that club's membership, may fish Association waters. All anglers on fishing Association waters must be in possession of a valid club membership card and an Environment Agency licence at all times. All relevant EA and Association byelaws will be observed on Association waters. Association bailiffs and all other Association members (on production of their own EA licence and club membership card) are authorised to check the EA licence and club membership card of any angler fishing Association waters. Failure to provide either could lead to expulsion from the member club and the Association.
This excludes members of a club, which only has a block affiliation to an IPA member club.
  An IPA member club's books exchanged with any other club do not confer the right to fish Association waters.

17a)All member clubs must be members of the Angling Trust and be insured through the Angling Trust to carry 3rd party liability insurance of £10 million.

17b) All I.P.A. member clubs are expected to act always with the interests of other member clubs in mind in all matters connected with the River Ivel.

18) Any Association member being a witness to any infringement of these rules should report the same to the Association's Secretary so that disciplinary action can be taken.

19) No matches to be fished on I.P.A. waters without prior approval of the management Committee.
NOTE: Member Clubs are allowed two dates where they have exclusive rights to fish a match. One date can be for Biggleswade Common/Backmeadows and one date for Sandy New Road. Bookings for these matches is via the Association's Match Secretary.

20) Water Rules
a) No member shall do, or permit, any damage to hedges, fences, mowing grass, or any other crop near to or adjoining the river, nor take a dog or gun, nor tie any vessel of any description to any bank of the river, nor take any type of vehicle onto land adjoining the river, and will not place any tent, hut, or encamp on any such lands.
b) All fish shall be returned to the water alive.
c) No fishing of any kind from 15th March to 15th June inclusive.
d)Junior members aged 12 and under to be accompanied when fishing by a full addult member
Back Meadows
1)Angling will be allowed from 6am to 11pm from June 16th to September the 30th and from 7am to 7pm October 1st to March the 14th
2)A single rod and line only
3)No wading in the river for angling
4)No Bivvies
5)Juniors under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult.

21) Keepnet Size. The minimum keepnet size shall be in accordance with Environment Agency Bylaws.

22) Any matter arising not covered by this Constitution and Rules shall be decided by the Management Committee or by Rules Changes at the following Annual General Meeting or specially convened meeting if necessary
